12 Ultimate Flooring for Hotel Rooms & Lobby

12 Ultimate Flooring for Hotel Rooms & Lobby

You want to be reminded of luxury and wealth when you walk into a hotel lobby. From the drapery hanging on the walls to the uniforms the hotel staff wears, you want to see everything looking as sharp as you should feel in an expensive hotel. The moment a guest steps on the floor of a hotel, they should be proud to have walked through the doors because of how luxurious everything feels. Creating that feeling within a guest is why it’s imperative to have the best floors possible for them to look at. Keep reading to find out about some of the best flooring options for hotel rooms and lobbies.

It goes without saying that the lobby is the most important place in the entire hotel. It’s where guests come together and can mingle; it’s where the first judgments of the hotel are made. The lobby should capture the attention of everyone who walks through the entrance. Many words come to mind when thinking about the lobby, including loud, busy, and exciting. Because a lobby is all those things, you must consider the noise that accompanies all of that excitement when picking out floors. That said, the following materials make excellent options for flooring in the lobby.

12 Ultimate Flooring for Hotels
12 Ultimate Flooring for Hotels

Flooring for Hotel Lobbys – Best Options:

#1 Granite

Granite is one of those materials that can blow your mind with every piece you see. With its stunning colors and patterns, it’s impossible to find two pieces of granite that are precisely the same. Because of its durable nature, granite can withhold years of heavy foot traffic, spills, and items being dropped on it.

#2 Italian Marble

If you want to make a statement of undeniable luxury, then Italian marble is the way to go. With its stunning features, this marble from Italy is well worth the high price tag that follows it around.

#3 Composite Marble

If you’re looking for a type of flooring with the luxury of Italian marble but without the hefty cost, composite marble, or engineered marble, it’s the right thing for you. While composite marble can be just as beautiful as natural marble, it lacks durability, so keep that in mind when purchasing this flooring.

#4 Indian Marble

Indian marble is also well-known for its incredible durability, making it the perfect option for lobby flooring. Unfortunately, Indian marble doesn’t have quite the same sheen as Italian marble, which is why most people opt for the latter option.

#5 Limestone

Limestone has quickly become one of the most sought-after materials available today. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it’s also surprisingly affordable for most.

Marble is a beautiful option for flooring hotels
Marble is a beautiful option for flooring hotels

#5 Vitrified Tile

Vitrified tile is much sturdier, water-resistant, and more complex than typical tiles. Unfortunately, vitrified tile is just as expensive as you want it to look, so people tend to avoid it when it comes to an ample space like the lobby.

#6 Concrete

Depending on the hotel’s aesthetic, concrete could be the perfect option for flooring in the lobby. This is especially true if you have an industrial design scheme throughout the hotel.

#7 Ceramic Tiles

One of the most popular choices of the past is still a must-have option for many. Ceramic tiles are affordable for most and highly durable, saving you money in the long run.

Flooring for the Hotel Rooms and Corridors:

While you would want a hotel lobby floor to withstand the continuous action it sees, there are different needs in mind regarding the flooring in the rooms or corridors. An excellent place to start is to remember that flooring in the hotel rooms sees a lot less traffic than in the lobby. Remember, aesthetics is vital in the rooms, so keep that in mind when picking out flooring for this area.

#1 Hybrid Flooring

One of the most used floorings in hotel rooms is hybrid flooring. This type of material combines vinyl and laminate – two of the most popular flooring types – and not only looks incredible but also doesn’t break the bank as Italian marble would.

#2 Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring may not be as popular in hotels as hybrid flooring, but it is certainly just as appealing. According to Forbes, most hotels tend to avoid this attractive option because of the high price tag associated with it.

#3 Wooden Laminates

One of the most affordable options for large areas is wooden laminate. This material looks like wood flooring, but it comes at a fraction of the cost you would pay for natural wood floors.

#4 Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo is quickly becoming a popular option, especially in eco-tourism destinations. It looks beautiful, but it also feels great when walking on it. This rugged material is a sustainable option, making it a more conscientious choice than natural wood.

Summary – Flooring for Hotel Rooms & Lobbies

There are plenty of options to choose from when picking out flooring for a hotel. It can be a tough decision, but if you follow these guidelines and go with your gut, you should have no problem making the right choice.


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