We have the audience and you have the message. If you would like we can send out your message to 10,000 people today.
Travel newsletter is the best way to get your message to a pinpoint audience. With TrvlTrend you can reach out directly to a list of 10,000 that includes:
Hotels, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Travellers, Journalists, National Parks, and Bloggers.
Why with us?
We are growing our B2B and B2C lists in the last 3 years and have an excellent audience that is engaged travelers and travel business, owners. We acquired these followers through hard work of producing great content on TrvlTrend awakening their interest and giving them the most updated information on travel.So, if you want to share some information about a business or a product or share great content that has to do with
the following categories you are in the right place:
New Travel Trends
Travel Apps
Travel Gadgets
Travel Tech
Travel Gear
Hotels, Tours, and Flights